Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

On October 1st, we headed up north a little to Platte City to visit a pumpkin patch. It was hard to find one close by that was open on weekdays, but we wanted to avoid the crowd on the weekends. This ended up being the perfect place for us. Very low key and hardly anyone else was there. When we started taking pictures of Grant, we realized he had never been on grass before. He was way more interested in the grass than in the pictures, but we managed to get a few decent ones. He also had a bad rash on his face from drooling so much with his teething. :-(

Before we left home...
Grant and Daddy
Grant and Mommy
He tumbled over!!
Big kiss!
They had a bunch of random kittens walking around!
Our pumpkins!

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