Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Friday Fun Day!

My good friend, Jamie, also stays at home with her 3 month old daughter, Claire. We decided to meet for coffee at Briarcliff Village on a Friday morning with our babies. After enjoying our coffee, we walked over to the baby store that is across the parking lot to do some shopping. Then we headed to the pet store to look for our other babies, Dexter and Sophie, and to see the puppies. Grant and Claire were both being wonderful, so we decided to stay in Briarcliff Village and have lunch at the Briarcliff Cafe. After lunch, we walked over to the dessert store and split two wonderful cupcakes. It's so nice to get out of the house and even better when we get to spend that time with good friends! We had only planned on coffee that day, but the babies were being so good that we just kept going!

Grant hates wearing socks and/or shoes! This didn't last long, but I managed to snap a picture of him with his shoes on before we left the house!
It was really sunny and hot that day, so Grant had to wear his sunglasses! =)
Grant and Mommy in our shades!

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