Tuesday, August 24, 2010

5 Months Old!

Where does the time go? It's hard to believe that Grant turned 5 months old on August 19th. He is so big and getting smarter everyday! He's very close to crawling, so I'm expecting that to happen any day now. At 5 months, Grant loves Dexter (smiles anytime he looks his way), eating (bottles and solids), jumping in his Johnny Jump Up, taking baths, being in his exersaucer, and playing with/pulling Mommy's hair. He has turned into quite a happy baby...always smiling and laughing. It's such a nice change from his first 3 months of life! He can sit up on his own for a minute or two before tipping over to the side. Here are some pictures I took of Grant at 5 months!

Playing with his frog!
Big feet and hands!
He's more interested in the sign this month. It was hard to keep him away from it!

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