Thursday, August 26, 2010


Grant had his third new vegetable last night...squash! He loved it! It is definitely his favorite so far followed by peas and then green beans. I think we got some really funny pictures from his first squash meal! The pictures are in the order they were taken...

Not so sure about this...
What is this stuff?!
More, please!
Such bad faces in between bites, but he always wants more!
Getting used to it...
This is fun!
Aaron's favorite
My favorite
All done!

Busy August!...Continued!

Here are a few more random pictures from August!

Dexter thinks the play mat is his too!
Love the hooded towels! He always looks adorable after his nightly bath!
The brothers cuddling on the couch in the morning.
Waiting for Mommy to get him some more food!
Grant and Great Grandma Mimi...doesn't he look about 2 in this picture!? :)

Grant and Daddy

There's no doubt that Grant has found his voice and that he loves playing with his Daddy!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Busy August!

I'm noticing how many random pictures I have from August that I think are cute, but they don't really fit with other pictures to make a post. So...get ready for 30+ random pictures from August that I still want to share! We've been busy! =) Hopefully I'll start updating the blog more frequently now that I'm caught up again! Check back often!

The boys watching Mommy fold the laundry.
Grant loves this giraffe!
Big belly!
All 3 boys :)
Grant and Dexter watching me hang pictures on the wall!
Out to eat at Granite City
Grant and Gigi at Granite City
TMI...but I couldn't resist...and obviously neither could Grant! I think we did pretty good though making it to 5 months before an accident in the bath!
Chubby baby!
Playing with Grandpapa
We got a few different sweaters and hats as gifts at my shower. Unfortunately, Grant is going to outgrow them before the weather cools off enough to wear them outside of the house. So last week I took some pictures of Grant in his hat and sweaters. These pictures just crack me up! The hat and sweaters will get shipped down to Texas for Baby Max to get some use out of this winter! =)
Sleeping on his blanket in the family room
Concentrating so hard...
Grant playing with his brother!
Hysterical. Grant now jumps in his Johnny Jump Up in our bathroom doorway when I shower and get ready each day. While he was jumping the other day, he decided he wanted to chew on the straps. But, instead of chewing on the front straps right by his face, he turned around and went after one of the back straps. He stayed like this for probably 15 minutes!
Soooo close to crawling!
Getting ready for a family walk
We still love Dexter too!
And Grant still loves his brother!
I finally got a picture of Grant's two bottom teeth that came in just after 4 months. Not the best picture, but at least you can see them!
Grant visiting Gigi
I love how he has his hand up on her face! So sweet!
Roscoe still gets love and attention too!
Giving me the stare down as I eat MY oatmeal.
When I'm tired too, this is how we nap in the afternoons. =)
Always together!!
Go Mizzou! We're ready for football season!