Monday, November 8, 2010

First Week of November

It's hard to believe it's November already! I'm excited to celebrate Grant's first Thanksgiving and Christmas in the coming weeks.

Yesterday, on November 7th, Grant's 7th tooth popped out! I can't believe he already has 7 teeth! Most of his baby friends his age have 0-2 teeth. Grant has 4 on the top and, as of yesterday, 3 on the bottom! He LOVES to try to bite us with all his teeth!!!

On the webcam with baby cousin, Max
Crazy dog!
Attacking his musical bear!
Relaxing in the cart at Target!
Cute baby, cute outfit :)
Ready for the cold weather!
On Saturday, we went to a conference put on by our local school district through the Parents as Teachers program. Grant had a blast! Here are some pictures of him playing the instruments in his music class!!!
He went until 3pm without a nap! He was surprisingly good for no sleep, but he had a lot of distractions to keep him happy!
Trying to get Grant to crawl...
Happy baby!
This learning to crawl business is hard work!
Sweet boy!

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