Saturday, November 13, 2010

Breastfeeding Blog

This might be TMI, but I can't help but post it. This blog article came in a weekly email I get about baby development. For obvious reasons, it hits home with me. I could have written over half of this article word for word from my own experience. I was always quick to judge other moms before Grant was born. This is a good reminder to not be as judgmental because, unless you've been through this experience, you can't imagine what a toll it takes on a new mom. I wish I would have seen and heard more stories like this when we were struggling.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kansas City Zoo

We decided to head to the zoo yesterday to take advantage of the 70+ degree weather in November! KC residents get free admission in October and November, so that was nice!

The new polar bear exhibit was definitely the highlight of the trip! I can't decide which picture is the best of Grant, Aaron, and the polar bear so I'm posting all 3! It almost looks like the polar bear is giving Grant a kiss in this first picture!
I like how Grant is turned around watching the polar bear swim away in this picture!
The polar bear would swim up to the window, push off on all fours, then circle around and repeat...over and over and over again! :)
Mommy and Grant watching the zebras.
The cheetah was staring at Grant (through the glass)!!!
What a goof! :)
Grant practicing his crawling when we got back home. I just love watching his little feet as he crawls away!
Poor Dexter gets bugged constantly!!
Crawling toward Mommy!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Yay! Grant started to crawl today, November 8, at a little over 7 1/2 months! He's been soooo close lately. He had even gone a few moves forward before but not enough for us to really count it as crawling until today. Time to baby proof the house!!

Picture time before the big crawl!
Silly baby!
Not the best picture, but here he is crawling...
Exhausted after a long afternoon of crawling!!

Video #1 - I was on the phone with my friend Jamie when he started crawling. I grabbed my cell phone and started recording him. You can hear me talking to Jamie and getting off the phone.

Video #2

Video #3

Video #4

Video #5

Video #6

First Week of November

It's hard to believe it's November already! I'm excited to celebrate Grant's first Thanksgiving and Christmas in the coming weeks.

Yesterday, on November 7th, Grant's 7th tooth popped out! I can't believe he already has 7 teeth! Most of his baby friends his age have 0-2 teeth. Grant has 4 on the top and, as of yesterday, 3 on the bottom! He LOVES to try to bite us with all his teeth!!!

On the webcam with baby cousin, Max
Crazy dog!
Attacking his musical bear!
Relaxing in the cart at Target!
Cute baby, cute outfit :)
Ready for the cold weather!
On Saturday, we went to a conference put on by our local school district through the Parents as Teachers program. Grant had a blast! Here are some pictures of him playing the instruments in his music class!!!
He went until 3pm without a nap! He was surprisingly good for no sleep, but he had a lot of distractions to keep him happy!
Trying to get Grant to crawl...
Happy baby!
This learning to crawl business is hard work!
Sweet boy!


We had such a fun Halloween last weekend dressing up our chunky monkey! ;)

Aaron was gone Friday and Saturday nights, because Harrah's had a live high stakes game going in Kansas City. I'm sure he'll make fun of me for posting this, but here's Aaron's name tag from the weekend! So official!
Getting ready to watch the Tigers play!
Playing in his nursery before bed. Love this face!
Grant and Great Grandma Mimi at Mom and Dad's Halloween Party on Saturday night.
Grant the monkey and Mommy the pirate
Grandpapa and Grant
Tired boy with Gigi
Dexter the chicken :)
He's grown some since last Halloween, so the costume doesn't Velcro at the bottom anymore! Lol!
My First Halloween!
Eating orange peaches for breakfast on Halloween! carrots and orange festive! :)
Playing with Dexter
Chunky Monkey!!!!
Done with pictures!!! :-(
Not a happy monkey anymore! :)