Sunday, February 28, 2010

37 Week Update

We went to my 37 week appointment on Thursday, February 25th. I hadn't felt many contractions since my last appointment, so I wasn't expecting any progress. However, we were surprised to find out that I had dilated to 2cm and was 70% effaced. Yea!

We go back on Tuesday for my 38 week appointment. I've been noticing more contractions since my appointment on Thursday, so we'll find out if they've done anything or not!

Last week was a very busy week. I spent two full days running day with my mom getting last minute baby items and one day with Aaron getting items for around the house. After those busy days, I spent the next two days preparing freezer meals with help from my mom and grandma. We worked our tails off, but ended up having over 30 meals in our new deep freezer at the end of our 2nd day of cooking. It feels great having that many meals ready to go! I know that it will be helpful in the first few weeks to not have to worry about making dinner...or about sending Aaron out to get Chipotle! :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

36 Week Appointment

Aaron and I went to my doctor last Tuesday, 2/16, for my 36 week appointment. We found out that I'm dilated to 1cm and 50% effaced! I know I can walk around like that for weeks, but I was still excited that the contractions I've been having forever are at least doing something! :)

My OB gave me the on-call schedule for February and March, so I'll know which doctor to expect as we head to the hospital. My OB, Dr. Hartung, is on duty a lot in early March. I'm hoping for March 11th now. That'll give me time to get things done around here, and I know that Dr. Hartung would deliver the baby on that day! Wishful thinking, I know!

I go back this Thursday, 2/25, for my 37 week appointment. I'm hoping I've made even more progress this week, because I'm continuing to have contractions...some that are starting to get painful.

Seems like everyone is guessing I'll make it to March, but most think Baby Wilt will make an appearance before St. Patrick's Day! I was fine with this and agreed with people until I just looked at the calendar and realized March 1st is a week from tomorrow! Time to get busy! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

34 Weeks 5 Days vs. 35 Weeks 5 Days

It looks WAY more obvious in these pictures than it does in real life, but it sure looks like Baby Wilt is moving on down!

My HUGE Belly: 35 Weeks, 5 Days

Wow! Aaron and I have been in the habit of taking pictures of my belly every Sunday after church. The last few times, Aaron has made some comment after taking the pictures (ex: OMG, Holy Cow, etc). Today, I'm the one who made the comment after looking at the pictures. I can't believe how big I look from the side. I also think the baby is starting to drop...yea!! Maybe I'll try to post a picture from a few weeks ago and one from today in a new post for comparison. But, for now, here are a few pictures from 35 weeks and 5 days!

35 Week Appointment

I had a 35 week appointment with my OB on Thursday. Everything with Baby Wilt looks and sounds good. The doctor I saw that day told me that, at this point, they won't stop labor if it starts! It's crazy and scary to think about, but it's also super exciting! I go back on Tuesday for my 36 week appointment with my regular OB. I'll be interested to see what she has to say...and if I've made any progress with all these contractions! I hope so!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The blog is updated!

Well, it looks like I got most of the videos, pictures, and posts moved over from our old blog on Shutterfly. I will try to update more in the next few days with pictures from trips we've taken recently, growing belly pictures, and a preview of Baby Wilt's nursery!

Sharing the BIG news with Grandpa and Grandma Grant

August 2009

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20 week ultrasound ~ 10.27.09

Some of these are blurry, but hopefully you can see Baby Wilt in some of the pictures!

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First Ultrasound

We had our first ultrasound Tuesday, September 8th. According to my due date, I was 12w6d, but the baby was measuring 13w2d. The average crown to rump length for 13 weeks is 7.4 cm, and our little one was measuring 7.97cm! The purpose of the ultrasound was to check for certain genetic disorders and birth defects. We won't know the official results until next week when my blood work is combined with the results of the ultrasound, but all the numbers from the ultrasound looked great! The heart rate was 156bpm. At my appointment last Friday it was 150bpm. We could see the heart fluttering during the ultrasound, and a few times you could even see the baby kick or move his/her arms. It was a very cool experience!

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Our Honeymoon

Mexico ~ July 2007

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Our Wedding

June 30, 2007

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Video: Dexter fighting with Frosty

December 2009~
Dexter and I were at my grandma's, and she was showing me one of her Christmas decorations. We soon found out that Dex wasn't too fond of Frosty!

Video: Baby Wilt's heartbeat

At our 16 week appointment on October 1st, the heart rate on the doppler was around 140. I kept laughing, so it was hard to get an accurate count! At the end, you can hear the nurse say that the reason the beat gets louder and softer is because the baby is moving around so much!

Video: Telling my parents the BIG news!

Aaron used his iPhone to record telling my parents we were expecting back in July. The first gift my dad opens is a DeucesCracked t-shirt we brought him home from Vegas. Then my mom opens the "What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas!" onesie.

Video: Dexter swimming

We tried to get Dexter to swim and be comfortable in the water while in Vegas this summer. As you can see, he just wanted to get out of the pool!

Video: Dexter playing

This is Dexter playing up in the mountains in North Carolina the first week we had him! He was almost 3 months old at the time and so little!

New website!

Welcome! =) I think I've made the decision to change to this site instead of our Shutterfly blog that I started last fall. It seems easier to use and update- especially from my iphone. I am going to attempt to transfer all the videos and pictures from the other blog to this blog before I start new posts here. Enjoy!